Please select from the year and challenge dates below, to populate the challenge information (Overview / Itinerary / Costs / Information)
Over the years CoppaFeel! Particpants have taken part in some of the most incredible challenges, both overseas and in the UK. To celebrate everything that you have achieved over the years we are putting on this exclusive alumni challenge for everyone who has taken part in one of our previous CoppaTreks!
You’ll be joined by the Coppafeel! Team, Gi and a whole host of your favourite Charity Challenge leaders from across the various years. This will be a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and remember all of the incredible stories from your adventures whilst also creating some new ones!
The Yorkshire Dales is one of the UK’s best adventure playgrounds and you will have a choice of two different trekking distances. For those wishing to test themselves, but perhaps in a slightly more leisurely fashion, then there is a half marathon distance (21.1km). Whereas for those wishing to recreate those epic CoppaFeel! Challenge days there is a full marathon distance (42.2km). On each route you will be led by the fantastic Charity Challenge leaders. You’ll be met at the finish with a celebration drink and then a meal where we can all celebrate and reminisce in equal measure.