This page provides you details of the costs of your challenge.
The costs below are per person.
Our expert fundraising team here at PCR will be with you every step of the way to help with your fundraising - including one-to-one support over the months and access to materials and ideas to get you started!
There are two options to choose from to make this challenge work for you:
Minimum sponsorship option
You will be required to pay the non-refundable registration fee of £40 at the time of booking and raise a minimum amount of sponsorship, (£350) for Prostate Cancer Research.
You should send your sponsorship money to Prostate Cancer Research as you raise it – you will be provided with an online fundraising page and all the resources to do so.
At least 80% of the minimum sponsorship required (£280.00) must be sent to the charity 4 weeks before departure (by 20/05/2023), and the remaining 20% (£70.00) within 4 weeks of completing the challenge (by 15/07/2023).
If you have raised the necessary funds, Prostate Cancer Research will then pay the balance of your expedition costs (which will not exceed 11% of the minimum sponsorship target). The charity benefits by keeping the remaining sponsorship money and every pound over and above that you raise.
Flexi option
You will be required to pay the non-refundable registration fee of £40 at the time of booking, and 3 weeks before departure (27/05/2023) you will be required to pay a second contribution of £100 towards your challenge costs.
You will also need to raise a minimum amount of sponsorship, (£100) for Prostate Cancer Research. You should send your sponsorship money to the charity as you raise it - – you will be provided with an online fundraising page and all the resources to do so.
At least 80% of the minimum sponsorship required (£80.00) must be sent to the charity 4 weeks before departure (by 20/05/2023), and the remaining 20% (£20.00) within 4 weeks of completing the challenge (by 15/07/2023). The charity benefits by keeping every penny of your fundraising.
The typical challenge size is 75 - 300 participants. There will be approximately 1 leader to every 12 participants.