

December 20, 2023
Simon Albert

It’s hard to imagine the colossal change in mood and outlook from just the last couple of years (whilst in the thick of covid), to now.

It has been an incredibly busy year for the CC team. All destinations are operating globally and I am pleased to say that the last 12 months have been our busiest ever in terms of the number of participants, the number of challenges operated, and the amount of funds raised for good causes. 

This year we have supported over 5000 adventurous participants to take on more than 150 challenges around the world, which have collectively raised over 5 million pounds for hundreds of great causes.

That means that over the last 24 years, our courageous participants have collectively raised to more than £75,000,000 for thousands of worthwhile causes, on literally thousands of challenges in over 50 countries, on six continents

To all of the individuals who have taken on a challenge this year, please give yourselves a massive pat on the back. Each year, thanks to adventurous people like you, we collectively help to raise millions of pounds that is helping charities to directly combat homelessness, poverty, hunger, loneliness, poor mental health, illness, environmental impact and many other worthwhile global issues.

The funds raised are bringing positive change, and its down to you for having the belief in yourself to take on the challenge, for achieving your goal and inspiring others in the process to do likewise.

To our many wonderful charity and corporate partners, who have recruited their supporters, employees, customers, suppliers and other key stakeholders to get involved and make a difference, I thank you!

To the leaders, doctors, drivers and other support team members, scattered throughout the world, thank you for your energy, enthusiasm and professionalism in delivering our vision of safe and sustainable challenges.

Team Charity Challenge

And finally, and by no means least, the wonderful team at Charity Challenge. Our numbers have grown again this year (having downsized during covid), and we have welcomed Laura, Rosie, Tilly, Toni and Suzy to the team. They join the wonderful head office team including Firdous (19*), Sharmee  (16*), Bina (16*), Andy  (10*), Bharat  (8*), Katherine (5*), Jo (5*), Jenn  (4*), Hayley (4*), Laura (2* ), Annie (1* ), and Neemisha (1* ).

You have all worked your socks off, ensuring that our challenges are ready and that we deliver the best possible experience that we can. Thank you all…

We look forward to another very busy challenge season in 2024.

I wish you all a safe, healthy and happy festive season and an adventurous New Year.

Simon and team Charity Challenge

Simon Albert, Co founder and Director

* Number of years they have worked for the company

Believe Achieve Inspire

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