
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (18 – 24 January)

January 20, 2021

It’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week and we’re supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust because we want you to know where you can get support, the latest information and tips about smear tests.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust are the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity. Nine women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every day and 220,000 are diagnosed with cell changes, often needing treatment.  Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust want to see cervical cancer prevented and reduce the impact for everyone affected by cervical cell changes (abnormal cells) and cervical cancer through providing the highest quality information and support, and campaigning for excellence in cervical cancer treatment and prevention.

During Cervical Cancer Prevention Week we want as many people as possible to know how they can reduce their risk of cervical cancer and to educate others.  The last year has been a challenge with lots of things in life becoming more difficult. But one thing hasn’t changed, the importance of cervical screening (smear test). Smear tests are the best protection against cervical cancer, but they aren’t always easy and coronavirus has added additional challenges to attending.

We want to ensure as many people as possible have reliable information and support about smear tests, results and any changes due to the pandemic.

You can get involved by encouraging your family and friends to go to their smear tests if they get invited. If you get invited to make a smear test appointment, that’s because your GP practice has safety measures in place to make it safe. Government guidance says that you are allowed to go, even within the current restrictions across the UK, as cervical screening is a medical appointment.

You can also join in #SmearForSmear all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  • Smear your lipstick and take a photo. Why? Because it grabs attention
  • Post it on social media using #SmearForSmear and tag us too!
  • Include a message about the importance of smear tests, tell your friends and family where they can access tips and support
  • Ask them to get involved too 
  • Don’t forget to be kind. It can be a really difficult test for lots of people, especially at the moment

Suggested social media post:

Smear tests can prevent cervical cancer but they aren’t always easy, especially right now. I’m supporting (@JoTrust on Twitter and @JosCervicalCancerTrust on Instagram) and #SmearForSmear because I want you to know where to find support, the latest info and tips about #SmearTests. Join in!

Jennifer, a nurse, had an abnormal result after her cervical screening appointment when she was 33. She said, “I found waiting for the appointment really difficult.” She turned to the Jo’s Forum for support because “Connecting with people who understand your experiences can be a lifeline.” Read more about Jennifer’s story online here.

Challenge - Trek to Petra

This year, Fabulous Challenges have teamed with Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and will be taking a team of trekkers to trek to the Ancient city of Petra!  You can join a number of celebrities including Amber Rose Gill and Scarlett Moffatt on the trek on 13th – 20th November 2021. Register your interest here to join the Fabulous’ Challenge Trek to Petra to help raise life-saving funds for Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust!

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